McCain excludes Malkin from blogger conference calls.
Amanda, HuffPost
Sen. John McCain’s (R-AZ) campaign has begun an effort to reach out to both liberal and conservative bloggers, perhaps attempting to repair the senator’s past slights against new media. However, one blogger upset at not being included in the project is Michelle Malkin, who yesterday complained that she wasn’t invited to take part:
Yesterday, I learned that several far left-wing blogs were invited to participate in The Maverick’s blogger conference call session (it’s part of that Big Vision Thing). I e-mailed McCain’s New Media guy, Patrick Hynes, asking if I could participate in the next blogger conference call.
After all, McCain said yesterday he’ll “listen to any idea that is offered in good faith and intended to help solve our problems, not make them worse” and “will set a new standard for transparency and accountability” and “will work with anyone, of either party, to make this country safe, prosperous and proud.”
If he’s willing to take questions from hostile liberal bloggers, why not take some from conservative bloggers who represent substantial readerships with dissenting views on how best to make this country “safe, prosperous, and proud?” I’ll keep you updated.
As Malkin herself would say, “Boo-freakin-hoo.” (HT: Atrios and TBogg)

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