To SIAD and SIOEs demonstration against the mosque in Aalborg and genital mutilation was Anders Gravers field demonstration was initiated attacked by Nazis.
A group of 8-9 pieces seemed as if they were a part of the demonstration but suddenly they tried to raise a Nazi banner. Anders Gravers so the flag that was before they came to fold it out and swung his feet up over the banner, so it was trampled and was then attacked by the Nazis shouting "Zionist pig". Battle did not develop further when Siad security men got control of the situation and the police detained the three most violent Nazis.
This was the first time we saw all three anti-democratic ideologies work together in Denmark.
Antifa, like the Nazis prepared to raw violence. They had filed a charge iron pipes in a backyard, but Siad security could tell police where they could get weapons. So it was only yelling and screaming when SIOE and SIAD passed the mosque. The Muslims were hanging out the windows in the mosque in several layers as SIAD and SIOE delivered their battle cry: "No mosques in our streets." "No genital mutilation in our country." Those who advocate genital mutilation to be out of our country."
As the demonstration moved away from Frederick's Square and up the bell-founder Street, jumped the Nazis in front of the demonstration and tried to grab Anders Gravers, but were again pushed to the wall and the demonstration continued up to its end point.
At Frederick's Square so we say so for the first time all three totalitarian forces in Denmark work together against SIAD and SIOE and democracy. Muslims Antifa (Communists) and the Nazis stood almost hand in hand, shouted slogans and threats after the demonstration.
It was a demonstration which obtained it would, focusing on the mosque and genital mutilation, and we can now see that there are politicians like the radical Councillor Daniel Nyboe Andersen, who advocate genital mutilation. He had referred to an organized counter-demonstrations against those who oppose genital mutilation and the simple logic may indeed be so that he is in favor of genital mutilation.
After the demonstration ran a few hundred Muslims and the Antifa around Cape Town and was looking for demonstration participants, but so far as is known they did not grab anyone. To police the benefit must be said they were good at helping demonstration participants safely from site. It is obviously necessary in today's Denmark with the totalitarian forces advance as not tolerate democracy and freedom and are prepared to resort to violence to stop the free vote.
Atlas Shrugs
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