"Honor Killer" Yaser Said, Al AQaeda and the Muslim Underground
By Pamela Geller and Bill Warner, WBI
After Yaser Said allegedly murdered older daughter Amina in cold blood and then pumped nine bullets into his tiny daughter, Sarah Said, he intended to flee the country (which would explain why he parked so near the airport). What he did not count on was Sarah's super human ability to make a 911 call naming her father and pleading for her life, the cell phone signal identifying where they were. Yasir was forced to move the bodies and his plan unraveled from there.
When he moved the girls bodies to a deserted part of the Omni hotel parking lot, Yasir was covered in blood and too far from anywhere to travel on foot. Someone had to have come and picked him up. Who? Who helped Yasir that night? Who did Yaser Said call on his cell phone? Who? Have police checked those cell phone records?
Yaser Said made the lives of his wonderful, athletic, top honors daughters a living hell. This sexual sociopath raped them in their youth and beat them fiercely as a regular diet.
The legitimacy of male violence against rebellious women is by no means an extreme view among Arab Muslims. A columnist in the Yemen Times last week argued that violence against women is sometimes necessary to "preserve the morals and principles with which Islam has honored us." In Arab culture, where honor is prized and female sexual purity exalted, a family can be cast out if a female member brings shame upon it. Traditionally, the only way to restore peace is through violence. (Ron Dreher here)
"Honor killer" Yaser Said and his three younger brothers are very close. They take care of each other. This is as much a religious mandate as it is familial. Muslims brothers take care of each other. I suspect it is Yaser's brothers who have set Yasir up in the Muslim underground. They have extensive connections and own real estate together in Texas, New York and even Indiana.
Yaser Abdel Said and his brother set up a post office box in Covington, Texas (where the families once lived on a compound) on November 15, 2007, the same day that a separate box was being set up near property owned by the Saids in a small town in Shrub Oaks, New York.
There has been activity at the post office box in Shrub Oaks set up by one of the Said brothers on November 15, 2007 just days before the murder of the two desperate young girls.
One of the addresses that a younger Said brother is linked to is in Mohegan Lake, New York, that home is owned by a Muslim man who runs an Arabic translation company.
The Mohegan Lake home owner was one of the Arabic interpreters in the USA V Al Qaeda 1998 case. The Mohegan Lake home owner worked for the defendant Mohamed Rashed Daoud Al-Owhali and WADIH EL HAGE (who just happens to be from Arlington Texas, same as all of the Said brothers). The Arabic interpreter helped create a lot of confusion in the case for the defendants Mohamed Rashed Daoud Al-Owhali and WADIH EL HAGE
USA v. Al Qaeda Docket, October 20, 2000 - Defendant Mohamed Rashed Daoud Al-Owhali present attorneys Robert Tucker and David I. Bruck,.
Three of the Said brothers have had apartments near Wadih Al Hage in Arlington TX during the the same time frame -- the early 1990's and then 1997 to 1998 while Wadih was facing trial as a member of al qaeda.
The Arabic translator for Wadih El Hage's defense team, caused a whole lot of delays and problems with the translations of the surveillance wire taps in the trial of Wadih El Hage. The translator is also from the same part of the Dallas Fort Worth area as Wadih El Hage and all of the Said brothers.
Yaser Abdel Said was in the same part of Arlington Texas in 1993 as Wadih El Hage. They more than likely went to the same Mosque, the Central Arlington Mosque in Arlington, Texas where El Hage and his family worshiped for years. It now calls itself the Islamic Society of Arlington.
Wadih Al Hage was Osama bin-Laden's personal secretary in the Sudan prior to the 1998 US Embassy bombings and Wadih Al Hage went to prison (for life) for his part in the bombings.
Whether El Hage was a mediator or collaborator, evidence shows he was friends with many people who were later convicted in the World Trade Center and New York City Landmark bombing cases. On March 8, 1991, El Hage signed in to visit El Sayyid Nosair at the Riker's Island. Nosair was serving a sentence for gun charges stemming from the Meir Kahane murder case. Both El Sayyid Nosair and Mahmud Abouhalima were central figures in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and both have been convicted in that crime.
There are other unusual connections between the men. In January of 1992, El Hage was arrested in Arlington, Texas, for writing several bad checks. He was riding in the car with a companion named Marwan Salama. According to phone records from the World Trade Center case, Salama had extensive phone contacts with the World Trade center bombers in the two months before the actual bombing.
El Hage moved back to the suburban community of Arlington, Texas in 1997 and got a job in a local tire store. The family moved into a small apartment near the University of Texas and the children enrolled in a local Muslim school. According to friends and neighbors contacted by FRONTLINE, the family lived a normal Muslim life, regularly attending Mosque and schooling their children in the Koran. "He was a hard worker, had a good business sense and was very devout," said his co-worker at the Lone Star Tire Store, Mahmoud Mazouni. "He became something of a religious leader, like an imam and sometimes led the prayers."
Apparently, Said has ties to Jihadis tied to al qaeda. That's who is helping to hide him, the Muslim underground. It's no wonder Yasir told his wife, every time he goes to the shooting range, he is shooting an Americans.
It is more than curious that Yaser Abdel Said's brother just happens to link to an addresses in Mohegan Lake New York and Shrub Oak, New York when Yaser is on the run.
Shrub Oak NY is about 40 min ride via train from the Bronx section of New York City, which has 30 Islamic Centers or Mosques some with ties to the Al-Muhajiroun (more on radicalized NY mosques here.)
There appears to be a pattern with the Saids of hiding their locations from public records.
Ron Dreher wrote in the Dallas Morning News:
The legitimacy of male violence against rebellious women is by no means an extreme view among Arab Muslims. A columnist in the Yemen Times last week argued that violence against women is sometimes necessary to "preserve the morals and principles with which Islam has honored us." In Arab culture, where honor is prized and female sexual purity exalted, a family can be cast out if a female member brings shame upon it. Traditionally, the only way to restore peace is through violence.
According to a Dallas Morning News report, Yaser Said was a rage-filled, troubled man. Almost 10 years ago, his wife and daughters told police he was molesting the girls; they later recanted. He was not faithful to his prayers or his mosque. He was, it appears, a sociopath obsessed with female purity and willing to use violence to enforce his will. This kind of man exists in every society. But Mr. Said comes from a shame/honor culture in which this form of sociopathy is not only tolerated but validated as a positive social value.
What's more, experts say that while educated, urbane Arab Muslims don't practice honor killing, they tend not to condemn it, either. And not all Muslims leave this barbaric code behind when they emigrate to the West. In two separate meetings with members of this newspaper's editorial board, Mohamed Elmougy, a prominent North Texas Muslim community leader and Egyptian immigrant, defended violence, even deadly violence, against women and homosexuals. Though the term "honor killing" did not come up in either discussion, Mr. Elmougy explained that violence against sexual outlaws is acceptable to defend the family and the social order.
"The way we view it, we don't look at it as violent," he said. "We look at it as a deterrent."
Screenshot of the missing persons report filed by Yasir Said when the girls ran away. It clearly says Yaser was upset with Amina. Yaser admits it. Two weeks before they left, there was a fight because Yaser found out about Amina's NON- MUSLIM boyfriend. read the whole report. The cops should have removed those girls from the premises when the mother brought them back.
“Honor Killer” Yaser Said, al-Qaeda and the Muslim Underground By Pamela Geller and Bill Warner, WBI.
SEE UPDATED FOX NEWS VIDEO ON YASER SAID http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QW2hTAxjxQQ&feature=youtu.be
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