I am sure this wil turn the Queers for Palestine on their heels (/not)
“We did not egg them on, we dropped the cheese,” Abby said.
“He provoked me,” 20-year-old Jamil Karimi, who works at Yankee’s Pizza, said.
It is these factions of freedom lovers and diverse life choices that should be standing shoulder to shoulder with us in defense of individual rights, equal rights, and against the most radical ideology on the earth. It seems the leftists that align with Islamic supremacists hate America more than they ..... love life or themselves. Remember the Muslim gang that was trolling the streets looking for gay men to shoot in the face with bb guns while videotaping the attacks? I blogged it here. No one would touch the story. There was a massive cover-up. But it was Muslims doing the shooting. So the story was hushed up. One video showed eleven attacks in a single night, with the perpetrators laughing as they fired the gun.
I expect that in this pizza place incident, CAIR will accuse the victims of victimizing the bloodthirsty barbarians. S.O.P.
Man Assaulted in Albany FOX hat tip her royal whyness
A black eye, six stitches, and possible blindness out of one eye for 23-year-old Vincent Webster of Albany.
He said a night out on the town turned into a nightmare.
Webster and his best friend, who prefers to remain nameless, stopped by Yankee’s Pizza on Central Ave after hanging out at nearby Rocks Bar.
Vincent said he spilled some parmesan cheese and that is when a confrontation ensued.
“I went to brush cheese off my clothes and one of employees goes you (expletive deleted), get the (expletive deleted) out of my bar, you are making a (expletive deleted) mess you stupid (expletive deleted),” Webster said.
Webster said as he was getting up to leave an employee punched him in the face.
“He knocked me in the face multiple times and two other employees working were screaming knock that (expletive deleted) out,” Webster said.
“We did not egg them on, we dropped the cheese,” Abby said.
“He provoked me,” 20-year-old Jamil Karimi, who works at Yankee’s Pizza, said.
He said Webster threw a slice of pizza in his face and that is when he reacted.
“I hit him once, that is it,” Karimi said.
Albany Police said they arrested Karimi and charged him with assault (3rd Degree).
Police said they are looking to see if it is a biased-related crime.
Webster said he thinks this incident happened because he is gay.
“I don’t hate gay people or no one else…I never called him any names or anything,” Karimi said. “He turned it into, we hate gays this and that and I’m like if we hated gays, we would not open a store near two gay bars,” Javid Karimi, Yankee’s Pizza Owner, said.
On Sunday the pizzeria was pretty empty.
The owner said they’ve lost business since this incident.
“It’s a big headache because I lost almost half my business,” Javid Karimi said.
Atlas Shrugs
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