But, but, but Obama say, OBL was "not a Muslim leader." The redeemers in this disgusting display of Islamic bloodlust and supremacism by the hostile invaders were the English Defense League: "EDL members chanted 'USA, USA' as Muslims knelt to pray for bin Laden..."
HUNDREDS of Osama bin Laden supporters clashed with English Defence League extremists today as a “funeral service” for the assassinated terror leader sparked fury outside London’s US Embassy.
Police stepped in to separate the chanting groups amid threats of violence from both sides.
US leaders were branded “murderers” by radicals, who warned vengeance attacks were “guaranteed” and shouted: "USA, you will pay."
Protesters carried signs declaring 'Islam will dominate the world' and Jihad to defend the Muslims' as well as banners attacking the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The pro-bin Laden 'funeral' took place as relatives of the 7/7 terror attack on London - which claimed 52 lives - wept at the inquest into the atrocity just three miles away.
It was organised by controversial preacher Anjem Choudary, who told reporters after the 'service' that America had created a new generation of Islamic terrorists.
Muslim women demonstrators pray outside of the US embassy in London today
He said: "There will be one million Osamas. Muslims will remember Osama as a great man who stood up against Satan. Many will want to emulate his acts.
"In Britain we have other options - like political action, but in other countries if your land is attacked or your family are put at risk you must defend yourself.
"We believe in the covenant of security that we must attack those we live with, but many do not."
Meanwhile, EDL members chanted “USA, USA” as Muslims knelt to pray for bin Laden at the opposite end of the highly-secured embassy, in central London.
Atlas Shrugs
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