Saturday, September 25, 2010

Somewhere Sam Hill is Smiling

Here's an update to yesterday's post on a vote that should be taken in towns across America. The whitewashing of Islam in history books and in Middle Eastern studies programs across college campuses in this country is part of the toxic leftist/Islamic propaganda campaign that our children's minds are marinating in.

The Texas State Board of Education voted Friday to reject any textbooks which whitewash Islam in and to curtail a "pro-Islam/anti-Christian" bias in school books.

Critics of new textbooks have called on the BoE to investigate and vote on several passages in new textbooks that they believe have a "pro-Islamic bias." According to Republican member of the Texas Board of Education Don McLeroy, the only reason why Islam is getting a favorable writing is because "Academia wants to lean over backwards to be politically correct and not be labeled ethnocentric, so it's kind of a cultural relativism."

The mainstream media vomiting.

The resolution adopted Friday cites "politically-correct whitewashes of Islamic culture and stigmas on Christian civilization" in current textbooks and warns that "more such discriminatory treatment of religion may occur as Middle Easterners buy into the US public school textbook oligopoly."

It vowed to reject any future textbooks which devote more space to teaching about Islam than Christianity, include "sanitized definitions of 'jihad,'" or display bias by describing Christian crusaders as "invaders" when Muslim "conquest" is called "migration" by "empire builders."
Atlas Shrugs

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