U.S. soldier: "I Can't Deploy and Be A Muslim"
Fort Hood jihadi Major Hasan, the jihadi who mowed down 13 US soldiers while screaming allahu akbar, said the same thing as this soldier, and explained it in detail in his powerpoint presentation here.
Following are excerpts from an Al-Jazeera TV report about Muslim U.S. soldier Nasser Abdo, who has refused to be deployed to Afghanistan. The report aired on August 21, 2010, and included clips of Abdo praying in his home while wearing his Army camouflage uniform. According to the report, his wife in Canada runs a website to raise money for Abdo's legal campaign, and he has retained a lawyer.
To view this clip on MEMRI TV, visit http://www.memri.org/clip/en/0/0/0/0/0/0/2594.htm
"This Muslim Soldier is Refusing to be Sent with His Unit because … as a Muslim He is Forbidden to Kill Muslims"
Reporter: "The Muslim U.S. soldier Nasser Abdo prays five times a day where he lives near the Fort Campbell base in Kentucky, from where some 5,000 soldiers are to be sent to Afghanistan as part of President Obama's plan, which strives to eliminate the Taliban. Abdo's fellow soldiers are preparing for deployment to Afghanistan soon, according to their orders. But this Muslim soldier is refusing to be sent with his unit, because, he exclaims, as a Muslim he is forbidden to kill Muslims."
Nasser Abdo: "I don't believe I can involve myself in an army that wages war against Muslims. I don't believe I could sleep at night if I take part, in any way, in the killing of a Muslim."
Reporter: "Nasser says that he has chosen to live his life according to the teachings of Islam. Therefore, he has requested – in accordance with U.S. law – to be discharged from service, because this runs counter to the teachings of his religion. But he says that his commanders have been procrastinating, and to this day, have not given him a clear answer. He has decided not to go to Afghanistan, even though he knows that he might face two years in prison."
Nasser Abdo: "They haven't processed my packet at all. I even heard from my unity commander that they lost my military record. I can't deploy with my unit to Afghanistan and participate in the war – I can't both deploy and be a Muslim."
"Army sources Told Al-Jazeera TV that the Serviceman Nasser would Not be Sent to Afghanistan within the Next Few Days"
Reporter: "The armed command at Fort Campbell issued a written statement in response to our questions regarding the case of serviceman Nasser Abdo, according to which the U.S. army recognizes that a soldier's religious beliefs may change over time. It said, however, that discharge is an administrative procedure that takes six months.
"Army sources told Al-Jazeera TV that the serviceman Nasser would not be sent to Afghanistan within the next few days, and that his application was under review, but the final decision whether to send him to Afghanistan or not was up to his direct commander in Fort Campbell. For his part, serviceman Nasser Abdo expects to get his deployment orders at any moment.
"It is a military secret, and therefore serviceman Nasser Abdo cannot tell us when his unit will be headed to Afghanistan. It will, however, be soon, and Abdo will not be with them. He will, apparently, be facing a prison sentence.
"He has one lawyer, and his wife from Canada runs a website to raise money to finance his defense. The family of serviceman Nasser Abdo is preparing for a lengthy and bitter legal battle.
"This is Nasser Hussein, Al-Jazeera TV, from Kentucky."
1 comment:
Well - how advantageous for the umma to have another well trained muslim-soldier..Do the authorities plan to keep watch in case Nasser proceeds to travel to Jemen, or any other jihadi-hellholes where there is a great need for men to train their new recruits? Oh no wait: you don't have to travel outside the US anymore to find future shahid training facilities for the final struggle
How overjoyed US servicemen must be with the muslim soldiers in their midst..
It must be so encouraging on the battlefield or waiting for combat orders wondering if the guy next to you will stand with you, or against you..Or even wether he's one of the enemy combatants inside who sooner or later start will start shooting american soldiers while they are sleeping or having coffee?
Who would ever have believed that the US Army would expect it's own men to risk their lives under such idiotic conditions? Morale must be miraculous under these conditions!
How nice incidently for real-american muslims that àre loyal, if such a thing exists: your own people endangering your reputation and even your life while under fire and dependent of your fellow men
Does no american general ever ask himself how much chance an american would have to serve in an arab country? And what would such a man say if it turned out that muslem countries do not allow foreign-nationals to serve in their armies?
Would he then be hurt, and complain of 'discrimination'? Or would he naturally understand that politically correct gambling with the lives of others only occurs on óur silly side? Or would he simply offer to serve his new country in a less sensible position?
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