Thursday, May 15, 2008

War Criminals Pay the Price

War Criminals Pay the Price

In a quest for cheap energy resources, the USA attacked Iraq leaving nearly six millions of her citizens homeless, in exile or dead.

As a consequence, the Americans have lost their Constitutional liberties and their protections under the Bill of Rights. The dollar eroding into nothingness, the hapless citizens have fallen victim to corrupt politicians, to greedy investment bankers, to rapacious oil distributors and now to ruthless cereal traffickers.

They indulged in preemptive war.

Such are the penalties for naked aggression against a third world nation that still might throw the invaders into the sea. If God wills.

Similarly, the Arab World waged preemptive war on Israel and killed one percent of her population. Like the Iraqis, the Israelis defended their families, homes and farms. In the American fashion, the Arabs have continued their wars of aggression at the cost of their culture, their commonwealth and their future.

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