Sunday, January 17, 2010

Democrats Face Second Tea Party Drowning

From my ten years living in Boston, I recall human beings very different from the stereotypes pictured by the national media. They are not the knee-jerk ideologues remembered by the pundits from college freshmen bull sessions. Most of them vote in places other than Massachusetts. Also gone are the street captains and ward healers who rousted the voters on election day.
Mr. Brown has been out pressing the flesh; Ms. Coakley has not.
Everybody knows the health care bills now before the Congress do not benefit ordinary citizens. They have been written by and for the health insurance industry. This is why the special interests have put $millions into the Coakley campaign. They fear the Democrats will lose their 60-seat majority.
It would be ironic if the second Tea Party dumps the Democrats into Boston Harbor. Floating in the murky waters, they might reconsider the virtues of single payer.

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