Monday, March 22, 2010

Time Magazine Declares Right Wing Won HCR

Huh? Time says Beck and Limbaugh are the big winners in the health care vote

March 22, 2010 1:29 pm ET by Eric Boehlert, Media Matters

Talk about a can't-lose situation.

The GOP Noise Machine dedicated its entire being to defeating health care reform, and had recently been gloating about how it had killed the initiative. But Democrats seemed to defy the political odds and got the votes for passage, and now Time crowns the right-wing media as the big winners?!

From Time:

Whether the bill is hated, hailed or forgotten by the general electorate come November, whether it's repealed or becomes an institution, its passage means a big win for the media wing (as opposed to the holding-office-and-running-things wing) of the conservative movement and the Republican party. The audience will be angrier, the following will be more passionate, the images and analogies will be darker (I'm guessing this will be a memorable Glenn Beck show tonight) and the ratings will go up, up, up.

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