Monday, August 2, 2010

UK Muslim Girls Restore Virginity to Avoid Honor Killing

UK Muslim Girls Avoid Honor Killing by Surgically "Re-Virginizing"
And this is not Mauritania, this is the UK. Increasing islamization of Western societies brings such backward degradation and humiliation to women and girls. These women re-virginize at taxpayer expense.

David in the UK wrote:

The real story, however, becomes apparent when you you compare the hymen surgery with this, the NHS is reportedly planning across-the-board massive cuts in procedures.and services that are really vital for health reasons, yet there is still money for this cosmetic procedure to enable muslim women to lie (in both senses of the word).

* Need cataract surgery 'cos you can't see? Sorry, grope!
* Need hip replacement 'cos you can't walk? Sorry, limp!
* Got an emergency? Sorry, patient, heal thyself!
* Are you Muslim who "lost: your virginity? Want to pretend you're a virgin? Welcome! Salaam! come on in, have a cup of tea! We'll be with you shortly!

I am particularly incensed about this because I have (serious) vision problems and am dependent on the NHS for services. For example, just this Thursday, after waiting seven long weeks, I had a laser procedure that would probably become unavailable, or require much longer waiting times, to my detriment, under these cuts. Makes me wonder, too, how long do these muslim brides have to wait for their hymen hoax "treatments"? Axe falls on NHS services NHS bosses have drawn up secret plans for sweeping cuts to services, with restrictions on the most basic treatments for the sick and injured. Patients’ groups have described the measures as “astonishingly brutal”.

Axe falls on NHS services NHS bosses have drawn up secret plans for sweeping cuts to services, with restrictions on the most basic treatments for the sick and injured. Telegraph

Coming to an Obamacare hospital near you.

More women becoming virgins again with hymen replacement operations on the NHS Daily Mail

Increasing numbers of women are having taxpayer-funded ‘virginity repair’ operations before marriage.

One Harley Street clinic said that demand for its half-hour procedure had tripled in recent months.

Doctors say patients are under pressure from future husbands or relatives who insist that they should be virgins on their wedding night.

Critics, including moderate Muslim groups, have condemned the trend as a sign of the spread of Islamic fundamentalism in the West.

During the hymenoplasty procedure – viewed by some as invasive and degrading – the hymen is stitched or reconstructed so that it will tear again and bleed on the woman’s wedding night.

In some cases, the vaginal lining can be used to create a false hymen. A blood capsule can then be inserted into the lining to ensure realistic blood flow when the membrane is broken.

Consultant gynaecologist Dr Magdy Hend performs hymenoplasty under local anaesthetic at his Regency Clinic on Harley Street. He charges £1,850 for the half-hour procedure and says that most of his clients are Muslim women.

He said: ‘In the past, we would do one or two hymen reconstruction operations a week. Sometimes now, we get two or three women a day. Demand has tripled.

‘Our Muslim clients worry about having had sex, and their fiance and family knowing that they have been touched before.

‘It is more cultural rather than religious. If the bride is not a virgin and does not bleed on the wedding night, it is a big shame on the family. There have been honour killings in extreme cases.

Lol, uh, the "culture" is Islamic.

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