Friday, February 18, 2011

Glasgow Police Investigate Muslim Child Abuse

Police Launch Child Beatings investigation at Three Glasgow Mosques

Many more child beatings are being exposed at leading mosques in the UK and Scotland. Under investigation are Glasgow Central Mosque, Scotland’s biggest place of worship of any faith, the Masjid Noor in Pollokshields, and the Zia ul-Quran nearby. In the UK, the very same madrassas and Islamic schools where children are systematically beaten and taught hatred and violence towards non-Muslims were praised by inspectors for their religious teachings. Is it any wonder that the zombies that emerge from these islamic institutions of higher learning are anti-human?

I exposed these same beatings in shariah class in a Tennessee mosque, and law enforcement and child services refused to investigate. A first-hand undercover investigation was done in Al-Farooq mosque in Nashville, TN. Despite the audio and video posted at Atlas here, the Nashville DA refused to investigate the child abuse and the beatings in shariah class. Atlas readers called, wrote and contacted the DA's office, but nothing was done.

One of my sources on the story told me at the time that the child who is heard in the video was in imminent danger. Her mother was, too. We do not live in an Islamic state.

Police have launched child assault investigations at three Glasgow mosques.
Evening Times, Scotland February 15th 2011 (hat tip Zeminkaya)

Their inquiries are understood to be focusing on madrassas – Islamic schools – at Glasgow Central Mosque, Scotland’s biggest place of worship of any faith, the Masjid Noor in Pollokshields and the Zia ul-Quran nearby.

A police spokeswoman said a report on a 49-year-old woman had been sent to the procurator fiscal.

The investigations came after prominent Muslims raised concerns about teaching methods and child safety regimes at the mosques and their associated madrassas.

Scottish-born parents are understood to have complained that some teachers in the madrassas recruited from Pakistan were using corporal punishment against their children.

Scotland News Net, February 10th 2011

The 14-year-old schoolboy who blew himself up at a Pakistani army training camp on Thursday was a student at a local madrassa, a Qur‘anic school.

It has been suggested such schools have become virtual recruiting centres for aspiring suicide bombers

Research last year by an international organisation revealed that Pakistani madrassas promote violence and intolerance.

Boys are taught jihad, the holy war, as well as hatred for non-Muslims.

According to AsiaNews, Qur‘anic schools are virtual brainwashing centres in which ideologues, do not hesitate to indoctrinate young students to accept martyrdom in the name of religion.

We can see how madrassas are being used in Pakistan. Is this what Britain can expect in a few years time? When the young pupils at British madrassas are suitably terrorised, brutalised and indoctrinated to hate kuffar, will they be ripe for recruitment as home-grown suicide bombers?

Pamela Geller

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