Thursday, December 27, 2007

Arab World Shocked by Arrest of Saudi

Arab World Shocked at Arrest of Saudi

Egypt: Many Egyptian bloggers also called for Al Farhan's release. Among them was blogger Bella, who laments the condition of Arabs, who speak their minds. She writes:
In our country, freedom of expression is a crime punishable by law, In our country, possessing a pen is a crime which deserves imprisonment, In our country, thieves are honoured, In our country, corrupt people are prospering, In our country, drug lords are happy, In our country, belly dancers are honoured were ever they go, In our country, glory is for actors and football players, In our country, scientists die and no one speaks about them, In our country, whoever says the truth is pursed by the judiciary system, This is how our country rewards those who express their opinion, Regimes are threatened by words and don't have a way around that except through suppressing words in throats. Blogging has become a crime which warrants arrest And expressing opinions should be overcome by muzzling such views. Pens should be smashed and those holding them should be destroyed. This is what happened to Saudi blogger Fouad Al Farhan. A blog has also been set up by activists to rally for his support here. You may view the latest post at

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