Sunday, December 16, 2007

A Note for a New Refugee

What Motivates the Evil Doers?

They are in it for the money. Only a few get sadistic pleasures out of torture. Subverting the Constitutional rule of law is treason punishable by death. How many employees are so dedicated to preemptive war they would risk execution to butcher over a million Asians? Where is the fun in crushing human rights and watching whole nations become concentration camps?The big pleasure is exercising control over humanity and collecting enough to make the family filthy rich for generations.They continue through the absence of oversight, checks and balances of any kind. At worst they will accept a pardon from the President and Fast Track ascension to heaven.The only way to stop this is to guarantee execution for the miscreant's entire family. On a personal note, please contact us from time to time. I vacated Reagan's America in 1983 the only reason I remain among the living.

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