Monday, May 5, 2008

Internet Censorship

Sixty years of brain washing and information control have pretty much sapped Americans of the desire to stand up and be heard. Almost as important, they have lost the ability to be heard to communicate.
Joining any blogging outfit one usually can observe a remarkable absence of debate. The participants often contribute cut and paste jobs from the mass media. Hardly a town hall experience, the talking heads of television have drummed the government's press releases into the minds of the populace.
To experience the freedom of speech potential of the Internet, the blogger can surf overseas. If he lacks foreign language skills, he can get English translations from the likes of Global Voices and Blogspot.
Attend the spirit of the young Egyptians who oppose Mubarek and the Arabs who stand against the Israeli line. You may even learn that Muqtada al Sadr embodies Iraq's best chance for freedom.

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