Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Progressives Don't Know Jack About America

Progressives Have No Idea of America's Culture

If I may paraphrase from the movie The Departed, this is America. If you aint rich, you are a douch bag.

McCain defines 'rich' as making over $5,000,000 per year. True to his words, John treats the rest of us as douch bags. As long as he bashes the Negro in the head, the ton of racists in the USA don't mind the douch bag treatment.

To paraphrase The Departed again, cops become cops because they can smash a plate glass window with a Negro's head.

America adores crooks. The gangster movies most popular, we must see 'Swordfish' to learn about our country. To know progressives, we can watch Mike Dukakis answer Bernard Shaw in the 1988. "What would you do to the man who raped and murdered Kitty Dukakis?" When Mike gave his spiel against capital punishment, he lost the election.

When reporters became too critical of George H W Bush, the President gave the order for his CIA to drown them in bathtubs. As long as Andrea Mitchell remains above water, the media will denounce Obama.

by Jason Paz

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