Sunday, August 17, 2008

Rogue State America

The Rogue State

The USA is a rogue state bent on world domination with or without people. Thoroughly cowed the native population is unable to confront or change the leadership. The 2008 elections will change a few faces at the top, but will leave the military/industrial complex intact.

The preemptive attacks staged by the US have given common cause to the nations of Asia. As never before, they are exploring new areas of co-operation.

The Americans are mostly bluster, bluff and blunder. They have borrowed enormous sums to lose three wars. They rely on international gangsters to administer food and fuel prices.

The world nations can blunt America's sword by calling in her debts. The WTO and the IMF should be removed from the world stage. To gain our good graces, she should do away with the CIA, the FBI, the INS and the Federal Reserve. The US government should fire its employees and join the British Commonwealth of Nations. Retired British civil servants should man key posts in the Cabinet and in the bureaucracy.

There are alternate choices. If the Americans continue on the perpetual war path, the nation can become a radioactive cinder.

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