Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Adultery by Divine Right

Adultery appears far down on the list of ills many of us find objectionable. Certainly, our leaders object if we indulge in it, but rarely if they taste the forbidden fruit. The John McCain syndrome refers to high officials who dump their families to wed spouses who can finance a run for the Presidency. Anyone who can dump his long-suffering wife can betray his country in a heartbeat.

Leisha Pickering put her estranged husband Chip on the political radar. The ex-congressman was primarily known for his toothy grin and conservative family values. Allegedly, he was shacking up with a former college sweetheart on
C Street. Leisha claimed her husband was in line to replace Trent Lott as Senator from Mississippi until Elizabeth Creekmore Byrd gave him a job in her family's cell phone outfit. Leisha has sued Elizabeth for alienation of affection.

The media crowd associated the C Street reference to the other two adultery scandals of the summer. Governor Mark Sanford had mentioned it as his stay over in Washington DC. The $1.84 millions former convent had housed a secretive organization since 1935. It provided the officials a haven against noisome reporters and anxious job seekers.

It allowed a curious mixture of guests South American death squad leaders, Congressmen and Senators. Esteemed former mentors included Hitler, Pol Pott, Lenin and Jesus. The philosophy on tap was a corporate Christian fundamentalism known as the Seven Mountains. Here is a video.
In our current example, the inhabitants of C Street known as The Family engage the forces of evil on seven fronts [mountains]. Will the government restrain or will it destroy evil? Will our educators promote truth or lies about our culture? Will the media portray our culture through a good lens or an evil one? Do the arts and entertainments promote our values or distort them? The religions have deserted the battlefield of truth in favor of meaningless ritual. Will the families pass this curse to their children and grandchildren? The major mountain for conflict is business. Mainly, it controls the culture through the allocation of resources. It must fund the struggle of God's people.

God has chosen an elect few to lead by Divine Right. The elite are above the tedious Ten Commandments. Governor Mark Sanford cited King David as a role model. He seduced Bathsheba the lovely wife of his battle commander Uriah. Then, he had the hapless husband murdered. King David was blameless; he was exercising his Divine Right.

Adultery by Divine Right

Identified by the Argentinian press as Sanford's flame, Maria Belen Chapur is no incidental hiker on the Appalachian Trail. She is a corporate executive of a large agricultural conglomerate who speaks four languages including Chinese. Ms Chapur might be a formidable ally in Mark Sanford's BusinessMountain climb to win the US culture.

Sanford could join his fellow adulterer Chip Pickering at the top of the corporate ladder. "(A)t least one resident learned of both the Sanford and Ensign affairs and tried to talk each politician into ending his philandering, a source close to the congressman said. Then the house drama escalated. It was then that Doug Hampton, the husband of Ensign's mistress, endured an emotional meeting with Sen. Tom Coburn, who lives there, according to the source. The topic was forgiveness. "He was trying to be a peacemaker," the source said of Coburn, a Republican from Oklahoma." –Manuel Roig Franzia, Washington Post

It was at this point (June 26th) that both Sanford and Ensign should have shut up and taken the blow for The Family. Rather than blubbering his love for Ms Chapur to the media, Mark should have resigned his post, dumped his family and fled to Argentina for a CEO post. Rather than surrendering to the Hampton blackmail, Ensign could have used his Las Vegas contacts "to disappear" the Hamptons once and for all. Divine Right with King David provides the guidelines here.

This article centers about Chip Pickering, John Ensign and Mark Sanders. They believe they have been chosen by God to rule by Divine Right. Thus, they operate above the rule of law. The Constitution and the Ten Commandments are for the suckers known as the common people. The arts, entertainment and media exist to hail corporate hegemony. They promote a false view of capitalism where debt replaces capital. Business rules the roost through public relations, economic clout and advertising.

1 comment:

Mike Licht, NotionsCapital.com said...

The Congressional Recess is coming. Don't forget to sign up for the Fellowship's Vacation Bible School.

