Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Free Gaza Supporters Subvert Obama Peace

Free Gaza Supporters Subvert Obama's Peace Plans

The Obama plan calls for the Palestinians to disarm. Then, Israel and Palestine can live side-by-side each recognizing the other's right to exist. The plan is acceptable to most Israelis. Hamas has ignored it.
The pacific Mary Ann Butler asked the US Marines to invade and punish Israel until she released the 21 hostages. Trailing Begonia insists his government back the Free Gaza program. Arabs filled with hatred towards Jews long for the day when the USA destroys Israel for them.
Such people want perpetual war. Why?
Obama wants to negotiate a peace settlement. What is so difficult for other people to understand?

Before They Protest, People Should Consider the Location
In my town it is a long walk to prison. My friend asked me to accompany her to visit her boyfriend in prison. We were a long time getting there, so we had to wait for the second group to enter. In a loud voice my friend complained that Saturday was a poor visitors' day because no busses ran. I warned her in English not to make a fuss. A cop who was listening told her I was right. Sixteen years ago I had come to Israel to rescue my son from his kidnappers. Unfortunately, his abductors worked for the government. The judges ruled for them, so I have been held hostage in Israel for the past 16 years. I am an inconvenient witness to Israel's kidnapping operations. If they learn any information uncomfortable to the authorities, the Free Gaza workers may also spend the rest of their lives here. A warning to the wise: speak with humility and stop making crank calls to the USA. The Americans will do nothing to aid your cause.

Will the US Invade Israel to Rescue Cynthia?
"One expects that there would have been a frenzied response: statements by our Secretary of State, by our President, and Navy seals and helicopters swarming the area, and non-stop news coverage until the kidnapped Americans were rescued." – Mary Ann Butler
After the disastrous invasions of Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq, one would think Americans would be more prudent.
During the past 61 years Israel has organized and financed the kidnapping of 18,000 American infants. The State Department was too busy selling the Turks US nuclear secrets to do anything for the babies.
The Irish have petitioned for the release of the failed smugglers. Surely, she can add 18,000 US hostages to the list.
The Supreme Court of Israel has long been an accessory to these criminal activities. The Justices belong in the dock with the 45,000 government workers involved.

I am not angry at the person flagged. Instead, I am saddened. In the last few weeks ordinary citizens of Peru, Iran and Honduras have run into a meat grinder. The government is free to crush protesting citizens. My suggestion is to prosecute individual government employees. In my example, I would urge Interpol to issue 45,000 red papers on individuals in Israel accused of baby snatching a filthy crime. In the USA, if we can't nail Republicans on torture, drop them on an adultery rap. Every group has a bad habit liable to prosecution.
The present situation is intolerable. A handful of giant organizations control the health industry who lives and who dies. Surely, the medical professionals and CEO's responsible for this can be prosecuted.

I Wanted the 21 Hostages to Be Released and They Were

Most Americans either ignored the hostages or they revealed their total ignorance of the Middle East. They indulged their pet peeves rather than suggesting diplomatic means to rescue the hostages. The US State Department has long known Israel kidnaps about 300 US infants per year. Indeed, the Tel-Aviv US Embassy alerted me to this after my son was stolen 21 years ago. I have written books about these atrocities so strong the Israeli authorities have held me hostage since 1992.
The Coto and other Israel bashers are so blinded by hatred of Jews they fill their blogs with falsehoods never arriving at substantial facts.
The Israelis read and catalog all the hate rags, so does the US State Department. Both countries are sensitive to any mention of their child abduction activities. Holding hostages is a despicable act no Israeli or true American is proud of. I posted about the 18,000 Americans held illegally in Israel in the hope she would release the Free Gaza 21 from captivity.
Israel did.
As the Muslims are the world champs at abduction into slavery, they live in glass houses on this topic.

The Free Gaza Folks Miss the Point
Israel has organized and financed the abduction of tens of thousands of foreign nationals. This includes 18,000 Americans stolen as infants and put up for sale by Rabbis and social workers. There is a worldwide set up to funnel the victims into the most profitable markets. Even if they can find their children, the parents face an almost impossible struggle against corrupt judges and bureaucrats.
From the Germans, the Israelis picked up the habit of recording their crimes in detail. So, the world courts have no excuse. They can prosecute more than 45,000 Israelis for crimes against humanity and murder.
The Free Gaza folks don't need to provoke incidents or manufacture evidence. They can hang the baby snatchers with an honest court.

The Civil Rights Act of 1965 Changed Everything
Lyndon Johnson lost much of his political capital when he pushed on Capitol Hill for civil rights. This cost him the formerly Democratic Solid South and the loyalty of rank-and-file labor union workers. Many white folks resented the gains registered by blacks. This change operated through the 2008 elections.
The CIA took care of the attitudinal changes through MKULTRA brain washing and COINTELPRO information control.
The USA is now a dictatorship run by corporations. The terms progressive, liberal and conservative are meaningless affectations. The administrative, legislative and judicial branches are incapable of independent action.

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