Friday, April 23, 2010

Shar'ia Law Conquers Comedy Central

Muhammad and the Danish cartoons

Sharia law enforcement -- self policing. Do not say the word Muhammad. Comedy Central, which is so not funny these days, has banned the word Muahmmad. Is everyone in a coma?

And O'Reilly submitted to Islamic law here. This story is bigger than the Icelandic volcano -- a pillar of this great country has cracked clear through. Which is why the SIOA"free speech" bus victory is such a huge story.

Remember when the Nazis marched in Skokie back in the 70s? And what a big story that was? People were outraged, but free speech was (and is) the holy grail (and rightly so), no matter how despicable the idea.

This is the slipperyist of slopes - right off a cliff and into the stone age.
Atlas Shrugs
SCOTUS has extended free speech to film makers showing women killing puppies by stomping them with high heels.

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