Thursday, July 22, 2010

BOYCOTT Olympia Foods Jew-Haters and Racists

The Olympia co-op in Washington just made the decision not to carry products from Israel. This is a dangerous precedent towards the de-legitimization of Israel. Can we start a letter writing/email campaign?

Write to the board of Jew-haters and the anti-semites in the customer delegitimization department. NOW. These bigots and haters support genocide of the Jewish people.
board@olympiafood. coop and/or customerservice@ olympiafood. coop

Olympia Co-Op -from their website
Phone: (360) 357-1106 , and press 0 (zero) for Boycott comments - Hary Levine (yes, a kapo)

Vote against the Co-op's decision on Olyblog. http://www.facebook .com/l/f7a59; OFCisraelboycott poll

Are there any SIOA or Atlas Shruggers who can picket the bastards? Use sandwich signs like "Jew-haters shop here!" or "Olympia Supports Jihad and Genocide!"

C'mon, guys ............ we need you on this one.

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