Friday, July 23, 2010

Christians Expelled from Indonesia

How many times are we force-fed the line by our enlightened betters that there are moderate, secular Muslim countries, even if the facts belie that very premise?

Indonesia, where our mysterious president grew up, is always held up as a shining example of such plurality, interfaith gobbledygook, and tolerance.

Look, it's not so bad; at least these Christians escaped with their limbs and head intact.

American Christians expelled from sharia-ruled Indonesian province Creeping

Apparently she has not opposed the implementation of sharia law there.

BANDA ACEH, Indonesia — Three Americans were expelled from Indonesia’s devoutly Islamic province of Aceh on Wednesday after locals accused them of trying to convert Muslims to Christianity, a local government spokesman said.

Immigration officials, however, said no decision has been made on whether Robin Kay Jordan, his wife Kelly and their daughter Claire would be deported. Proselytizing is illegal in Indonesia, the world’s most populous Muslim nation.

The Jordans, charity workers from California, were forced from their rented house in West Aceh district and transferred to the immigration office in the neighboring province of North Sumatra, said Mulyagus, district spokesman.

“They allegedly have a mission to spread Christianity,” said Mulyagus, who uses only one name, like many Indonesians. “Therefore we expelled and banned them from entering West Aceh.”

He added that they were kicked out for their own safety following rumors that the family converted three Muslims in the district to Christianity.

Read it all.

Related: Churches burned to the ground.

Atlas Shrugs

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