Friday, August 13, 2010

Oh, the Humanity - a First Responder's Wife

Oh, the Humanity

Atlas reader Madeline left this comment:

I say this through tears, I really mean it. When your job calls for you to risk everything for something enormous and you rise to the occasion to do it, you are driven by sheer passion for what you do. I saw Robert and Hannity as two forces to be reckoned with, as you have been Pamela. On the morning of 9/11, I was putting my youngest son on his bus to first grade. It was his first day since a week before on the correct first day of school, he woke up with acute appendicitis. My husband Steve a 25 year decorated fire officer with the FDNY was scheduled to work on 9/10 and 9/11. He was to leave our house at 3:00 PM to get to Williamsburg to begin the night tour. I kept on pestering him to make sure he got off however because it was my sons first day of first grade the next morning (my only son at the time) and wanted his daddy at the bus stop with video camera in hand, if he could switch his tour in time.

My husband was able to be there for the first day of first grade with my other three girls and so this was sort of a tradition. At the last minute my husband got off, switching his 24, with another firefighter. All was good. On 9/11, right after my son was on the bus, I hung around outside talking with the other moms about my sons emergency appendectomy the Tuesday before, so Steve left us and went inside.

A few minutes later as I walked into the house, I looked over at my husband who was sitting in front of the TV on the edge of our coffee table with his head in his hands. I looked up at the TV and saw the Tower on fire, my husband said in a serious tone, OMG we are under attack, and no sooner did he say that, the next plane flew into tower one. He jumped up, told me it was an "all hands" job and that his buddies are down there andso he ran out the door with barely a good bye to me. My husband came out alive, thank goodness, my son Frankies appendectomy saved his life.

Everyone who knows Steve knows, he would have been up those 90 some odd stair cases in two shakes of a lambs tail had he been with his company when all hell broke loose, arriving at GZ.

My husband (like all the brave first responders) ran into hell without a single pause of thought for his own life, his family, his safety. He knew at that point what he was running into, he didn't flinch. I screamed and cried and carried on, begging him not to leave me. I was panic stricken, I tried to block the door so he wouldn't leave me, I ran after his car as he sped out of our driveway. I knew we were under attack too. I was flipping out inside, I was having out of body experiences and panic attacks.

I didn't hear from my husband until late Wednesday or Thursday, he was in triage because building number seven came down while he was running from it. He dashed under a fire truck but he still inhaled a ton of debris. He came home Thursday afternoon with a burning fever, he had full blown Pneumonia. He returned back to GZ on Saturday morning and remained there for weeks and months on after.

All I am saying is that when you know your job is being called upon in such an emergency situation, you rise to the occasion and go into that operative mode. He did, thankfully he came home, many, many did not. Now is not the time to back down, it's time to charge in, knowing full well whats on the line, what is at risk like he did.

He didn't waiver for one second (lunatic that he is, lol) he ran as fast as he could out that door, and into the depths of hell because he is one of New York's Bravest. Pamela, Robert, even Sean Hannity did me proud yesterday, don't drop the torch, don't shy from the risks and the huge task at hand, I see a clearing, you guys are knocking down the fire, you are clearing the smoke and America is seeing what is really going on but without you, your voice, we can't keep our battle strong. I love you, you are brave and you make me proud!

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