Friday, August 20, 2010

Using the GZMosque for Purposes of Extortion

Blackmailing America.

911 attack, part II: trafficking/profiting in the pain of a nation.

As the obvious ultimate insult becomes more painful, and the polls overwhelmingly oppose the Ground Zero mosque, thug developer Sharif El Gamal et al are dictating the terms (the booty) for taking Ground Zero hostage with an Islamic supremacist mosque on the site of the 911 attack.

Geraldo Rivera (the clownish messenger) is on O'Reilly, showing off that he is on the inside with Muslims in the know, wink, wink, nod nod, as a compromise is being hammered out with these stealth jihadists.

According to Geraldo's inside jizz, a "major [Muslim] 'civil rights activist' close to the prime developer" -- (uh, can you say Hamas-linked, Muslim Brotherhood proxy?) dictates the terms as follows.

* If they are to be paid off, they expect at least four times what they paid for the Burlington property. (Nice, huh?)
* If it's a property switch, it must be a "better commercial value in the immediate vicinity" of Ground Zero, south of Houston street and perhaps east of Broadway.

Exploiting 911. Ugh.

It is galling that we the taxpayers are going to pay a jizya for this stealth jihadist to do the decent and moral thing.

Apparently this crew is capable of neither decency nor morality.

It is tempting to want to negotiate this terrible "attack" away, but it's like negotiating with terrorists. It will set a very bad precedent -- city funded mosques or state sponsored Islam.

This is wrong. They are wrong. They should not be rewarded. The taxpayer should not pay this ransom.

"Jiyza: From the point of view of the Muslim rulers, jizya was a material proof of the non-Muslims' acceptance of subjection to the state and its laws, 'just as for the inhabitants it was a concrete continuation of the taxes paid to earlier regimes.'"[6]]
Atlas Shrugs

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