Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Fox Business: Pamela Geller on Obama's Foreign Campaign Contributions

I appeared on David Asman's show this evening to discuss the hypocrisy of the Obama gang's new fallacious attack on the US Chamber of Commerce, projecting Democrat crimes on unsuspecting decent orgs.

Obama received donations from people in Gaza and other foreign entities. He claimed to have returned the contributions from Gaza, but there is no record of his having done so. Apparently Obama's clean-up crew sent Asman a record of "refunds" -- something he claimed in '08 but which never appeared in the records. They claim that the money has been returned, but the donors in Gaza said it wasn't. When we reviewed the records it wasn't. The fixers had two years to wash these dirty donations clean. Dirty pool.

The White House sent David Asman this link showing a refund, but you'll notice it doesn't come near the $33,000 donated to Obama from Gaza; nor does it list Osama Monin's refund. Where's Osama, Obama?

Scrub a dub dub.

His FEC records were full of donations from people with obviously fake names, and other questionable material. In contrast, McCain's were squeaky clean.

More here.

Obama's foreign and fraudulent campaign contributions were covered extensively in my book: The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration's War on America

The White House is fanatically partisan, bent on destroying the Republicans, and they don't care about their hypocrisy on this issue because they know that the leftwing lapdog media will be carrying water for them.

UPDATE: Mark Levi read from one of my American Thinker articles. Shawn sent me the audio and included the whole first segment for context but he starts reading from me article around
8 min in. (thanks Sean!)

Download Levin10112010-PamelaGellerarticle

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