Tuesday, October 19, 2010

World Jihadism - A View from Canada

Here is an informed Canadian's view of things. I don't agree that the situation is hopeless. As long as free men are willing to fight for what freedom, we will win no matter how overwhelming the odds. If history has taught us anything, it is that.


I’m a “middle aged” man living in Nova Scotia, Canada. This is a country where we are willing to give up everything sacred & traditional for the sake of “multiculturism”. Our children were taught in our schools to “respect differences”. This essentially meant giving up our customs to anyone who entered our country and complained about discrimination. The ugliest insult you can give someone now in this country is to call them a bigot, racist, homophobic or Islamophobic. The most insidious one is “Islamophobic”. If you dare to mention anything regarding Muslims and terror, you are immediately branded. Our media here bends over backwards to insure that Muslim and terror don’t appear together. You get the picture.

Today, our national radio service, the CBC, has an article on the Campbell Soup story. http://www.cbc.ca/consumer/story/2010/10/18/con-campbell-boycott.html I was most interested in seeing what the comments would look like. Predictably, most trash you. I’m sure no one knows you, or have read your blog. Just the fact that you dare to criticize Muslims relegates you to the trash bin. The sad reality is that hardly anyone cares, nor takes the time to see what Muslims are doing around the world, in the new caliphate. I have been studying Muslim terrorism for well over 25 years, and came to the conclusion a long time ago that the rising tide of Islamic terrorism is the greatest threat to the world today. I will put China in #2 spot! However, anyone who is bold enough to point out what radicalized muslims are up to around the globe is instantly demonized. You can see comments for yourself in the link to the story. In most Canadians eyes, brave souls such as you and Spenser are the real demons/hate mongers, and muslims are the ones to be pampered and protected.

To me, this is incomprehensible. There is nothing rational or logical about this phenomena. I once had hope that folk would wake up…I truly thought 911 would do it. Sadly, it didn’t. Then I thought that attacks against Canada by muslim fanatics would do it. They didn’t. I now have lost hope in our society, and now realize we will go the way of many of the EU countries. I fear for you, and others who are bold enough to stand up and speak the truth.

In the 60’s, while I was in university, if you dared to criticize communism, you were branded a “McCarthyite” or a rabid right winger. Perhaps now that the liberal/left don’t have communism as their pet, they now champion Islam? I suspect that anything that the right (aka fascists to the left) dislikes or is suspicious of, the left has no choice but to love, for fear of agreeing with the hated, despised “right”.

Keep up the good fight, and stay safe.


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