Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Geller Selected as Islamophobic Bigot of 2010

Daily Kos Names Pamela Geller: Biggest Islamophobic Bigot of 2010

I am hugely flattered. The KOS is a cancer, singular in its focus to destroy America. The hatred of the good for being good. I am the silver cross to their Dracula.

"Islamophobia" is blasphemy, enforcement of the sharia. These hateful tools are carrying water for the most radical, extreme ideology on the planet.

The post over at the Daily Pus is long and stupid and inaacurate. In other words, typical leftwing disinformation.*yawn* My crime is reporting on jihad, slaughter, gender apartheid, honor killings, oppression, slavery, Islamic anti-semitism, persecution of Coptics, other Christians, Hindus, other non-Muslims ... the list goes on.

So the kkkos is kkkool with dat, just not with my saying it.

Pamela Geller: Biggest Islamophobic Bigot of 2010

The biggest Islamophobe of 2010, Pamela Geller, was responsible for a lot of anti-Islamic bigotry, including the demonization of Park 51.

There are plenty of examples to go around, and she got tons of coal for her Christmas gift, plus a one-way ticket to Hell.

The rest here.

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