Thursday, January 24, 2008

Same Old Story in Gaza

Old Troubles with Gaza

The Gazans have failed to get the point of Israeli actions over the past few years. The high fence that separates the sovereign nations put the message into concrete. The Israelis want no contact with Gaza whatsoever.
Here is a good understanding of Palestinian feelings on the matter.

“Israel, despite its airstrikes and bloody incursions, has been unable to halt the rocket fire from Gaza or free Cpl. Gilad Shalit, an Israeli soldier captured in the summer of 2006. Continued collective abuse and starvation will not break Hamas, which was formed, in large part, in response to Israel's misguided policies and mounting repression. There will, in fact, never be Israeli-Palestinian stability or a viable peace accord now without Hamas' agreement. And the refusal of the Bush administration to intercede, to move Israel toward the only solution that can assure mutual stability, is tragic not only for the Palestinians but ultimately Israel.
And so it goes on. The cycle of violence that began decades ago, that turned a young Palestinian refugee with promise and talent into a militant and finally a martyr, is turning small boys today into new versions of what went before them. Olmert, Bush's vaunted partner for peace, has vowed to strike at Palestinian militants "without compromise, without concessions and without mercy," proof that he and the rest of his government have learned nothing. It is also proof that we, as the only country with the power to intervene, have become accessories to murder.”
Excerpt from

Before nationhood the Palestinians had an arguable case. The world owed them a living as amends for their suffering under occupation. They had a right to resist the occupiers by any means possible.
After Israel withdrew and democratic elections took place, the people became a nation with responsibilities for her actions.
Instead, they elected terrorists to represent them.

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