Tuesday, January 22, 2008

When Did the War Stop?

From Palestine, Angelita explains the situation on the ground: Sometimes there aren’t enough words to describe what we are witnessing and what the news keep shoving down our throats every morning till we reached a point that nothing surprises us anymore, but what is happening in Gaza comes as a shock that leaves the majority of us speechless and helpless …In a time and life that human rights are becoming a major factor in how societies are governed … in a world that the international community is judging the backward Middle East because of honor crimes, poverty, violence against women and primitive culture … the same community is standing still to watch as Gaza is being crucified and executed … it is cold and they don’t have heat … they are cut out from the rest of the world … and as well as they are dying by bullets and military attacks; they are also being killed by hunger and cold …
I choose to raise my voice to say STOP … ENOUGH … Life is not a game and just because they reside in Gaza … it does not make their lives of any less value than any other human in any part of the world … Excerpt from
http://www.globalvoicesonline.org/2008/01/21/palestine-gaza-under-seige/ Since it was zero degrees Centigrade in my flat last night, I understand Angelita's plight. Two summers ago she opened a preemptive attack on me designed to enlist her friends to drive me into the sea. Although her cohorts murdered [preemptive war by definition is murder] hundreds of my countrymen, they did not achieve their savage aims.Thus invaded and violated, we would have been within our rights to retaliate to the fullest extent.Angelita, you are lucky to be alive. If the Iraqis would have massacred the American invaders, the world would have cheered. Why is there a different standard for Israelis?Under three blankets I am toasty warm at night. They are cheaper than starting wars.

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