Tuesday, February 12, 2008

If Men Could Get Pregnant...

If Men Could Get Pregnant, Abortion Would be a Sacrament

Erica Jong, HuffPost

Roe v. Wade is one of the most controversial cases in U.S. Supreme Court history. Even before it was decided there were men and women whose stomachs turned at the idea of abortion. The issue had been argued many times before in fairly recent history.

For centuries, death in childbirth was woman's lot. In some places, it still is. In mountainous Afghanistan where women can't get to hospitals or there are none, in war zones, in occupied zones with barriers or curfews, in many parts of Africa, in rural India, and China, in rural America, giving birth is still no joke. Even in big cities, it can be dangerous.


Aside from resembling Mary Astor, my girlfriend was arguably the most corrupt woman in town. After she became pregnant, she gave me the classic choice of marriage or abortion.

Although my son remains my pride and joy, we have been wrongfully held hostage by Israel for 16 years. My life a shambles, the only way I’ll ever get out of the Holy Land is in a box. I never fully appreciated my human rights until I lost them.

Others may act as they wish, but I have never doubted my decision for life.

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