Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Nuclear Proliferation

On 11 November 1988 the New York City Israeli Consulate organized and financed the kidnapping of my son Daniel to Israel. The US State Department in Tel Aviv said there was nothing they could do. I suggested they nuke every Israeli between Beer Sheva and the airport.

They should have done it.

Over the years Israel has abducted in excess of 18,000 American babies. These are crimes against humanity in some cases murder. Adolf Eichman hanged on similar charges.

Unpunished, the State Department continued on the criminal path after 1996 peddling US nuclear secrets with Israel throughout the Middle East. After Sibel Edmonds exposed a bit of this espionage in 2001, the US government has obstructed every investigation and has silenced the media on the subject.

If the USA had protected her 18,000 babies from kidnapping, she might have prevented the proliferation of nuclear weapons.

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