Monday, July 21, 2008

A Critic Responds to My Article "Statesman Obama"

A Critic Responds

[Writings such as yours are] “the reason the world sees an ugly distortion of American reality. Drooling proagandists like yourself, Leftist media, educators, and politicians all work diligently at spreading these distortions. Or maybe I'm wrong and you are just a dupe who's been sucked into the mirage like **** who, I believe, is authentic in playing his role of useful idiot.”

July 21, 2008 5:41 PM (Israel Standard Time)

You confuse me with Bill O’Reilly. He leads public opinion and shapes it to his own devices.
On the other hand, I report on other peoples opinions from all over the world. What they think depends on how the USA has treated them. If the USA puts boots on the ground and helicopter gunships in the air, the people become frightened. When US companies triple the prices of basic food commodities, mothers worry how to feed their children. Nobody enjoys hearing threats that he will be annihilated.
America may be the best country in history, but foreigners do not attend US public schools. They receive many more US programs than you get foreign coverage.
The US media, educators, and politicians know next to nothing about the world outside the USA. They may discuss foreign issues, but only insofar as they effect Americans.

WYSIWYG As a result, Americans base policy decisions on misinformation and disinformation in the dark like mushrooms. For full information worldwide, I depend on Global Voices, Voices without Votes and Rising Voices.

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