Thursday, July 10, 2008

Ron Paul is Right

Invading Iran puts everything at risk.

Over the past sixty years we Americans have betrayed the founding fathers and their hopes for us. Maybe, we will take back the country, but it will require a lot of time.

Nothing good will come from those in power or the
people we elect to replace them. We may learn from our mistakes. In time our
creditors may insist on repayment. Certainly, our economy and the military are
doomed. As the unemployment roles swell and the hungry homeless roam the
countryside, some might decide to rock the boat.

One day we may discover our boat has departed for
distant shores. If we had ended our aggressions and had jailed our government
leaders, we might have qualified for membership in the British Commonwealth of
Nations. If we had behaved with a trace of humanity, the other nations might
have been kinder to the latest member of the Third World.

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