Sunday, September 19, 2010

Health Insurnce Companies are a Drag

We had assumed that ObamaCare would not destroy private health insurance until it is fully implemented in 2014, giving us time to defund it, to slow it down, and then to repeal it. But Sebelius is putting us on notice that the Obama administration intends to use the vast and arbitrary regulatory powers granted in the law to shut down private insurance now.

That's why we're going to need a new crop of radicals in Congress. They won't just need to engage in parliamentary stalling tactics to gum up the legislative works. They will need to launch an all-out battle to restrain an administration that is fully committed to using its unchecked, tyrannical regulatory power to override the will of the people and destroy what is left of American liberty.
Pamela Geller

This analysis overlooks the 50 millions Americans who lack health care and the others who pay double for the protection they have. The rest of the industrialized world enjoy a form of singlepayer, which disallows the health care professionals and corporations from cheating the public.

1 comment:

ashutosh said...

Health insurance premiumFor every person who dies of a smoking-related disease, 20 more people suffer with at least one serious illness from smoking.