Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Sudan: Ticking Time Bomb

Francis Bok, also a U.S. citizen like Deng, was taken by an islamic militia and made a slave at the age of seven. He speaks here at the beginning of the freedom walk to Washington, September 15, 2010. (Photo El Marco)

'''Ticking time bomb' is the entirely accurate way Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton recently described Sudan. There is every indication the country is nearing a breakup......

Unfortunately, President Obama is increasing the risk this time bomb will explode." (John Bolton)

How disingenuous of Obama to play the African card to prop up his less-than-thin resume during his marketing-driven presidential campaign, and still unashamedly abandon the people of Sudan to jihad.

I have been covering Simon Deng's Freedom Walk this year (and every year) to call attention to the jihadi genocide in Darfur and the plight of the oppressed and brutalized people of Southern Sudan. Simon and his freedom fighters are walking to Washington from New York, as we speak, and still Obama sides with evil.

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