Sunday, November 14, 2010

Devorah Hoffman Heads Israel Freedom Initiative

More good news. D'vorah Joy Hoffmann (דבורה ג'וי הופמן) is heading up the Israeli division of our global counter jihad movement, the Israel Freedom Initiative. D'vorah is a passionate zionist and is active in the political, cultural and existential battles Israel faces. We fiercely support Israel and wll be active in US/Israel counter jihadist actions. Israel is on the frontlines of the global jihad and is the prime target of the notoriously anti-semitic Organization of the Islamic Conference. We will promote a real, concrete understanding of Islam's war on Israel and deconstruct the media advanced, antisemitic propaganda.

We are targeting a major action September 2011, the tenth anniversary of the 911 attacks, when genocidal, bloodthirsty hatefest Durban III plans on descending on New York City like locusts. Start planning to be there now. Manhattan, September 2011. If you need to connect with the freedom initiative in your country, contact me.
Pamela Geller

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Muhammad, founder of Islam and author of Koran, was mentally sick psychopath, could not read and write. While in seizure, he uttered disjointed phrases, which his followers represented as Allah divine afflatus. This is the history of Islam that muslims and “honest and free” western media would not like you to know. These facts show that islam is not a religion, but a cult.
Read: “History of Middle Ages” Professor Nikolay A. Osokin, Textbook (in Russian), Publishing house: Imperial University Printing Office, Kazan, 1888, 771 pp.; Second edition Publisher: АСТ, Харвест, 2008, 672 pp.
Islam is incompatible with Western culture, history, judicial system, and civilization. Remember, our judicial system based on Judea-Christian values. Islam objects these values and Koran calls for extermination of Christians and Jews. Muslims objective is creation of global Caliphate and establishing Shariah Law. All this eventually leads to civil war, unless we will take care and deport all muslims from US and Europe. Look what is going in Britain, France and other countries where muslims clear declared their primary objective to overcome current social systems and replace them with Sharia law. Read below confessions of leading muslims around the world, including American
and watch the Fitna on:

These facts show that islam is not a religion, but a fascist cult.

Mark Bernadiner, PH.D.