Thursday, November 25, 2010

FOX Business: Pamela Geller, Ground Zero Mosque Taxpayer Funding

Last night I appeared on Eric Bolling's Follow the Money, to debate the latest Islamic attack on the American people in the second wave of the Ground Zero mosque controversy. The Islamic supremacists behind the Ground Zero mega mosque applied for $5 million in federal grant money that has been set aside for the redevelopment of lower Manhattan after the attacks of September 11th.

The $5 million Islamic supremacist request represents nearly one-third of all the $17 million that is now available. 265 groups have applied for the funding.

Note the morphing mosque narrative. For months Imam Rauf and his gang have been whining that the building destroyed in the attacks of 911 was not close to Ground Zero, but now they want to be included in the ground zero area’s geography.

Watch as I debate a loud but ignorant mob of flapping tongues. Ill-informed and delusional hardly describes these tools. Note how the "reverend" starts grunting whenever I say something that might teach people something.

UPDATE: Doug Hagmann lists the board of directors and phone numbers for Lower Manhattan Development Corporation in this article. (thanks to Tom)

"To courteously voice your concerns over the possible grant being awarded to the Cordoba Initiative (now referred to as the Park 51 Project), you might consider contacting the LMDC directly. Below is their contact information, along with a listing of the present board members.
Pamela Geller

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