Thursday, December 10, 2009

If Israel Controlled America, Afghan War Would End

What Do You Think of This Possible Finesse from Obama? House Progressives continue to claim they oppose war. If they are serious, they could refuse funding the next supplemental. Likewise, the Republicans could act on their complaints about big deficits and spending. They can join Progressives to scuttle the Afghan War.

It is written in the Gamara that having rats in the house is a good sign for the owner. In service to the little animals, the owner finds approval in the eyes of God. The Almighty favors the strong people who defend the weak ones. This is an apt dictum for individuals, but it doesn't necessarily extend to the national level.

Intellectuals waste much cyber space on the geopolitical machinations in West Asia. The general consensus is Israel and America have formed an unholy axis to dominate the region. This dates back more than thirty years to when Brzezinski tricked the foolish Soviets into invading Afghanistan. Since the fall of the USSR, the debate has centered on who controls the Axis of Evil: Israel or the USA?

If Israel controlled America, the first thing she would institute is single payer health insurance. The USA is the laughing stock of the industrialized world for public health neglect. Jews would never allow 40% of premiums to be wasted.

Israelis limit wars to five weeks fighting. If the USA needs eight to ten years to lose a war, she should find a new occupation.

You Made Me Think, GLloyd Rowsley

He challenged me to divert Israel from her war mongering course. In my opinion, liberals confuse winning wars with starting them. I credit Lyndon Johnson. In 1967 he warned Israel. If they attacked first, they could expect no help from him. They were doubly conscious seeing that the odds were 3 to 1 against them. After the war, they were astounded the victory hadn't produced a peace. Indirectly, it did. The 1973 war established Anwar Sadat's position to make peace in 1978. Most courageous, it cost him his life.
King Hussein was a remarkable man, but I still wonder how he escaped assassination when he made peace 10 years later. Yitzhak Rabin made peace progress that caused his assassination the first in Jewish history. Ehud Barak jettisoned his political career when he offered Arafat the administration of East Jerusalem. Ari Sharon withdrew unilaterally from Gaza and that should have been the end of the hostilities. Since Lyndon Johnson no outsider has assumed importance in the peace process. Iran plans 30 more uranium enrichment plants, so we see where they are headed. If Israeli opinions dominated US strategy, the Iranian nuclear facilities would have disappeared in 2008.

“The real terrorists are not the men in turbans we see on Al Jazeera,” said the psychiatrist, Dr. Malik H. Mubbashar, vice chancellor of the University of Health Sciences in Lahore. “They are wearing Gucci suits and Brit hats. It's your great country, Madam.”

I asked him to spell it out. “It's coming from Americans, Jews and Indians,” he said. “It's an axis of evil that's being supervised by you people.”


Jerusalem is a Cinder

War mongers have made Jerusalem a flash point. This is one of the tactics to keep the peasants deluded. If they are enthralled by various tempests in a teapot, they tend to forget the real problems facing them. Their leaders start wars they always lose. They divert foreign aid funds into procuring more weapons of self-destruction. They care nothing about roads, schools and hospitals.
If the citizen really cares about the quality of his life, democracy and human rights, he will go into exile.
The Palestinians of East Jerusalem are not the first to experience urban blight, or the rapaciousness of government. Forty-five years ago I heard all the stories. They were in Boston and the program was Urban Renewal. The lead villain was Ed Logue. He wanted to displace the local peasant residents from their poor neighborhoods to allow the city to build low cost housing for them. Initially, the poor residents believed him and gave up their homes. By the time the peasants realized no new low-cost housing was being built, it was too late to mount an effective protest. This happened in Boston. I lost my home and eventually went into exile. This occurs everywhere a universal theme with a few local variations.
If the peasants want to return to their original location, they can rent a hotel room for $400 per day.
Injustice is the way of the world. The Palestinians have reversed this. Unique among nations, only Palestinians suffer from urban renewal, human rights abuses and war. Escalating whining to a new art form, they plead before the UN to whip up a posse and throw Israelis under the bus.

The UN Human Rights Commission has become an Arab propaganda tool. The human rights conferences Durban I and II became a platform for tyrants infamous for the repression of their citizens. They denounced the USA and Israel for causing their woes. They have redefined war as genocide against Palestinians.

The Escalation in Afghanistan May be a Clever Ruse

What Do You Think of This Possible Finesse from Obama?

House Progressives continue to claim they oppose war. If they are serious, they could refuse funding the next supplemental. Likewise, the Republicans could act on their complaints about big deficits and spending. They can join Progressives to scuttle the Afghan War. The US Navy has a 50-year inventory of spare parts. I'm sure the USAF and the US Army are similarly well fixed.
This saves the bacon for Obama, who would have been assassinated if he had commanded a withdrawal.

Leftists Have the Attention Span of a Grape

In days passed at OEN, I would respond to late-breaking news. Since many editors waited five to seven days to publish my article, it was no longer fashionable. After I wrote on more lasting issues, I was lucky to make the Top 50 list for a few hours rarely with a headline.
Much of this reflects old-time newspaper writing. Today's headline wraps dead fish bones tomorrow. This practice has killed leftist politics for the past 40 years.
Almost every day FOX promotes a revelation that dominates every show for at least 24 hours. Before the left can respond, FOX is off on another tangent. If one of their fairy stories gains traction, it stands repetition pounded into viewers' heads as an advertising commercial.
The Republicans elevate this trash into political rhetoric good enough to bash Democrats for weeks and maybe months. Then, the best lies [such as birther and deather] go on the shelf for use at a later time.
To counter this I subscribe to Brad Friedman's Blog and his consistent and long-lasting campaign against the right's weaknesses. For example, they support perpetual war, misogyny, US exceptionalism, selling US nuclear secrets to the enemy, ethnic cleansing, hanging gays [in Uganda], abusing children, infecting the general population with chemical agents, wire tapping, subversion, falsification of the public record, assassinating whistle blowers, torture, slavery, genocide, killing Muslims for Jesus, boiling dissidents in oil [in Central Asia], euthanasia, kidnapping, sex slavery, heroin trafficking, adultery and numerous other departures from common human decency.
Instead of taking the right to task for these infractions, the left criticizes Obama's escalation of the war. By ignoring these atrocities, the lefties become complicit in them.

Before the enemies of America start bashing the country, I hasten to add that most nations including Israel indulge in these nefarious activities. The first step to reform is to recognize all of us are guilty to some extent. This reveals the hypocrisy of war. The ends do not justify the means.

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