Friday, December 11, 2009

Is America Going Right Wing?

Before the left can respond, FOX is off on another tangent. If one of their fairy stories gains traction, it stands repetition pounded into viewers' heads as an advertising commercial.
The Republicans elevate this trash into political rhetoric good enough to bash Democrats for weeks and maybe months. Then, the best lies [such as birther and deather] go on the shelf for use at a later time.
To counter this I subscribe to Brad Friedman's Blog and his consistent and long-lasting campaign against the right's weaknesses. For example, they support perpetual war, misogyny, US exceptionalism, selling US nuclear secrets to the enemy, ethnic cleansing, hanging gays [in Uganda], abusing children, infecting the general population with chemical agents, wire tapping, subversion, falsification of the public record, assassinating whistle blowers, torture, slavery, genocide, killing Muslims for Jesus, boiling dissidents in oil [in Central Asia], euthanasia, kidnapping, sex slavery, heroin trafficking, adultery and numerous other departures from common human decency.
Instead of taking the right to task for these infractions, the left criticizes Obama's escalation of the war. By ignoring these atrocities, the lefties become complicit in them.

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