Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Souk Can Teach Us Much

A Firm Course of Action - Windows Live
The US government can inflict economic death on any group or individual through taxation. If they can maintain 60 votes for reconciliation, the Democrats can pass anything. In the souk I always assume the merchant's kids will instantly starve to death if he does not accept my rock bottom offer. The Democrats never bothered to figure out the bank bail-out request for $700 billions. They had pulled the number out of a hat. The Democrats should have restored Glass Steagall and nationalized the six biggest plus AIG. A 50% across-the-board reduction in fees and services for the medical industry would bring costs down to European levels. Doctors, hospitals and pharmaceutical companies failing to toe the line would lose their licenses to do business. Since the military has a 50-year inventory of spare parts, there is no reason for future procurements.
Rob overlooked the consumer's ultimate weapon. If negotiations are failing, tuck your final cash offer into the merchant's shirt pocket. It's an offer he can't refuse. Trust me on this.

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