Saturday, September 4, 2010

Keith Olbermann Sides with Muslim Supremacists

The vampires are out in full force.

Last night, Keith Ubertool Olbermann earned his propaganda paycheck by lying, deceiving and giving opportunists and charlatans the opportunity to exploit the horrible 911 attacks for their own personal gain.

David Paine went on Keith Olbermann representing 911 families (which he is not) and misled the American people about our Rally of Remembrance. The majority of 911 families support our tribute here. A number of 911 family members pleaded with Olbermann, requesting equal time to speak in support of the rally and rebut Paine, but were refused.

Instead, David Paine, a public relations man who is not a 911 family member, masqueraded as a speaker for "the families," derided the rally, and equated our patriots tribute to the anti-Semitic, Holocaust-survivor-assaulting Sharia-supporting pro-mosque rallyers, engaging in a breathtaking moral equivocation. We are not remotely on the same moral playing field with those Islamic supremacists. Wait, it gets better. Public relations man Paine then spent the better part of the interminably long segment selling his 911 "day of service" socialist nonsense, a PR initiative of his (working in service of the Obama administration). Paine has scribbled for the Puffington Ho. ...............

September 11 is a day to remember our fallen and reflect on the lives they lived and how much they contributed to family, friends and country. How deeply and profoundly they are missed. I think it's a travesty that September 11th should be turned into anything or used for anything but remembrance. It is a day of mourning. That day should be devoted to mourning the dead and what we, all Americans, lost. Any other day would be appropriate for "volunteerism." But to mandate September 11th a day of service is highly offensive and insensitive to all Americans suffering that horrible loss. Faith based, no less. Uh, which faith? Who chooses? Need I say more?

911 families support the Ground Zero rally of remembrance and will be speaking at our tribute.

UPDATE: New Yorkers Oppose Ground Zero Mosque by Two-Thirds Margin

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