Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Official Interference and Misinformation With the Rally

Media Distortion

Our friends who were on the stage with Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer at the Stop Islamization of America rally at Ground Zero have already given us a full account, with great pictures of the speakers. But this report is about what happened in the back of the crowd and on the outskirts.

The police made my job difficult by herding the demonstrators into tight pens, restricting movement on the sidewalks, and blocking most side streets from pedestrian traffic. I don't think many people have walked that day as much as I have, taking pictures in many different places, including the opposition rally next the City Hall. I also snapped pictures of "Islamophile" infiltrators and their signs. So this should be a very informative report.

To get it out faster, I will limit my comments to a minimum. But I have to make this statement:

in that nine years later New York would see a rally demanding to build a mosque at Ground Zero? We can imagine why Muslims would want to build a mosque there, but secular members of Socialist Party USA in Che shirts? Progressivism goes a long way and takes seemingly strange turns, but it always ends up doing what it's designed to do: tearing down the American form of government.

With the rise of Islamic terrorism, progressives have been trying to include Muslims on their roster of "oppressed minorities" whom they can claim to represent. They rely in their arguments on the constitutional freedom of religion, knowing full well that Islam is not just a religion: it is also a form of government, which is totalitarian in its nature and is therefore antithetic to the American form of government. Thus, promoting Islam in America amounts to undermining America's founding principles. Subsequently, all those who want to preserve America's founding principles automatically become Islamophobic "extremists." By the same token, all leftist radicals - even if they know nothing about Islam - automatically become Islamophiles, which somehow makes them mainstream. And that is the Current Truth™.

By now everyone has seen and heard Pamela Geller defending her opposition to the Ground Zero mosque on TV and in radio interviews. But very few know the man behind the sudden surge of progressive Islamophilia at Ground Zero. The man who organized the 9-11 March of Islamophiles at Ground Zero is also the man behind the massive anti-Bush and anti-war protest rallies in the wake of 9-11 attacks. Those events were staged by professional groups, most of which had been created by him specifically for this purpose (ANSWER Coalition, etc.). He is also the man behind populating the Internet with numerous activist websites, creating the impression of a massive popular movement, which in reality is only a small, tight-knit group of fringe radicals.

Meet Ramsey Clark, former US Attorney General during the LBJ administration. This modest, unsung hero of the struggle to dismantle America's foundations doesn't make media appearances; in his line of work, shooting from the shadows is more efficient. But he did speak at the pro-mosque rally. The media described him as a guest speaker; his title of Attorney General adds credibility to the cause, doesn't it? But it wasn't in the interest of progress to inform the public that the event itself was Ramsey Clark's brainchild - and so were the hundreds of pre-printed signs distributed to the participants. If people knew that he is the one-man orchestra behind the terrible noise that has been deafening America for the last several years, it might render the whole operation less effective.

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