Monday, April 14, 2008

A Fool and His Constitution are Soon Parted

Mr Right Wing, you really outdid yourself this time. The doubter should drive the Mon Valley. At Point Park, he can take a bridge to the Ohio River Boulevard. He will pass the factories that produced 100's of thousands of well-paying jobs very few now.
The jobs that everyone could do you sent to slave laborers in South America and in Asia. For three generations you robbed the public schools of anyone who could think for himself. For nuclear scientists the US had to go to Israel and the sub-continent. Those guys never guessed that the FBI and the State Department were selling nuclear secrets through the Turks.
Your financial institutions encouraged the gullible to consume the equity in their homes. After the bubble burst, the fools can sell their daughters for dollars to work in East Asian brothels.
You tout the same rhetoric Bush used to wow them in 2000. It worked to turn Iraq and the USA into ashes.

What's your next target? Iran?

For November I hope I see a Tsunami of wrath overcome the Washington scalawags. Those not swept out to sea should enjoy an asbestos-filled atmosphere inside a FEMA trailer.

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