Friday, April 18, 2008

The Military May Be the Next Bubble to Burst

John McCain believes that maintaining current troop levels in Iraq will lead to reconciliation.

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton want phased withdrawals beginning immediately.

The consensus is stay the course for a while and hope for a better tomorrow.

In 2007 the Congress should have cut the funding of the war to force a withdrawal. They didn’t because they wanted an unstable Iraq, which requires a disruptive American presence. The continuing turmoil allows hope for big oil companies to control oil production indefinitely.

If the Republicans can rig the Fall Election, McCain can smooth the way for Hillary’s 2012 bid by dying in office. If Obama prevails, there is a good chance he will be assassinated. Hence, there is a possibility we will be in Iraq for a very long time.

The Saudis, Japanese and particularly the Chinese have financed the war almost from its inception. Amassing $1.4 trillions of US Treasury Bills, China may assume the responsibilities the Congress refused to shoulder last year. By using dollars to invest in Euros, other stable currencies or financial instruments, she could put a damper on American lusts for hegemony.

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