Thursday, September 9, 2010

How Many Americans Want to Live as Muslims?

Fresh off his US taxpayer funded [fund raising] tour of the Middle East, Imam Rauf held command over the mainstream media. He rolled out with his unchallenged oped piece in this morning's NY Times ("We are proceeding with the community center, Cordoba House"), and followed it up with his not so veiled threats against America on Larry King. Soledad O'Brien did the interview on King's moribund show. You remember Soledad, she called demagogue racebaiter Reverend Jeremiah Wright's speech a "homerun." Rauf was given free run of the joint on the Crescent News Network tonight.

Rauf said more than once that the issue about what to do with the mosque is important for national security. Imam Bridge Builder warns us numerous times that the 15 story Islamic supremacist mega mosque at Ground Zero is now a "national security issue."

"If we don't do this right, anger will explode in the Muslim world," Rauf said. "... If we don't handle this crisis correctly, it could become something very dangerous indeed."

This crisis could become much bigger than the Danish Cartoon crisis which resulted in attacks on Danish embassies in various parts of the Muslim world [and hundreds of non-Muslims were slaughtered]

The danish cartoon jihad was a crisis manufactured by the OIC (Organization of the Islamic Conference) months after the Danish cartoons had actually run in order to impose the sharia/blasphemy laws on the non-Muslim world. Now it has become the operational threat template for Islamic supremacism.

He said moving the project to another location would strengthen Islamist radicals' ability to recruit followers and will increase violence against Americans.

This is based on the false assumption that they are fighting us because we are doing things they don't like. Actually they are fighting us because of imperatives within the Islamic faith. They will never like us unless we convert to Islam or submit to Islamic rule. If we stop doing things they dislike, where will we draw the line? How far will Sharia advance in the U.S., with Americans afraid to stop its advance for fear of offending Muslims and stirring them up to violence? The Muslim Students Association is already pushing for halal cafeterias, segregated dorms, segregated gym facilities on campus. This is incompatible with American freedom. Where do we draw the line? And when did America decide to surrender in installments? Has America so "fundamentally changed" that we cave to jihadist bullies or threats made by Peter Lorre-ish imams with delusions of establishing the caliphate on the Hudson?

He said again that if he knew ahead of time the controversy this would create, he wouldn't have made the plans to build the center at the currently planned site. Liar. He loves it. Rauf's contempt for us oozes from his every enlarged pore.
Abdur-Rahman Muhammad said that Rauf will become the most powerful Muslim leader in the world and enshrine the divinity of the 911 attacks in the Muslim ummah.

He has returned from his taxpayer funded junket to the Muslim world with the strategy for the Ground Zero mosque. Did he confer with the OIC? Clearly he met with many of its members. The plan is in place. Watch what happens
Pamela Geller, Atlas Shrugs

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