Saturday, March 15, 2008

Cruelty Begins at Home

Some Americans may grieve about the tortures of Abu Grahib. A number of Germans may remember the sins committed at Auschwitz. A few Catholics might regret becoming Altar Boys.

They believe the specific crimes against humanity as originating in a particular time and place. This is not true. Cruelty is a universal affliction.

In Israel we see cruelty on a massive scale every day. It may have started out as a noble Zionist endeavor. At first there was the fear the Arabs would eventually outnumber us.
As we suppressed them, the cruelty spread nationwide to include Jewish inhumanity to Jews.
It has become a national characteristic a blot on the Jewish tradition. Many people are abusive within the family and without.
Perhaps half the population has been abused verbally, physically or sexually.
The ones who don't participate are the heroes, deviants and whistle blowers. Lord knows we save our worst punishments for them.
Although I come from a very different culture, I know the trials and tribulations of native Americans, of Naomi Wolf and of Sibel Edmonds to name but a few.
Fascists begin life watching dad beat up mom. It goes downhill from there.

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