Monday, March 31, 2008

The White House Plague

We can agree the White House has subverted our democracy, enriched their pals and manipulated the media.

This suffices to seize power, to loot the country and to leave town before the yokels sense the scam and send the posse.

Accusing them of more than this misses the mark. The Bushies are not smart enough to ruin the nation so completely.

The State Department sold US nuclear secrets to the highest bidders, but this program dates back to at least 1996.

The CIA has murdered at least six millions civilians since 1950 [not counting victims in Iraq]. They wrote the book on how to make enemies and to terrify friends.

The White House never intended to ruin the economy. Why would thieves prompt a bank to go bust before the heist was complete?

The US military has been a joke since it last won in 1945.

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