Monday, March 17, 2008

The Jewish God is Not a Neocon

The Jewish God is not a Neocon

The Jewish God is not a Neocon

The traditional Jewish scenario begins when the entire world attacks Israel. Because God is on our side, the battle lasts a bit longer than one might expect. In the end all Jews are dead.

God retaliates with various natural disasters that kill everyone on the planet. And then, the Messiah comes to stage a Day of Judgment for Jews.

Whatever the other gods plan does not involve me.

I’m a goner front up.

How can fundamentalists think they can make political hay while everyone dies? They speak of preemptive war as if it were a good deed.

It is murder.

Unless I miss my guess, the Christian God – or any other worth his salt – will not give a mass murderer a fast track to heaven. They can expect more bloodshed from him very disruptive to the upper reaches.

Every fundamentalist anticipates a bevy of young women – ranging from 72 virgins to 200 nubile maidens – to cater to his every whim. Evidently, he has never met a resident from heaven. Any ghost would have informed him there is no sex or food up there.

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