Sunday, January 2, 2011

A New Alliance for Israel?

The Bible warns us to be aware of foreign alliances. Some of Israel's friends warn her that the American superiority won't last forever.
There is no reason why Israel should not pursue such a “hedging” strategy as it recognizes that U.S. military forces are going to disengage from the Middle East in the future and that the U.S.-Israeli alliance is bound to weaken.
Alliances are by nature temporary. Would the Anglo American bond survive a Sharia Law takeover in Britain? Will France put an end to the annual Muslim car bombings? How will the USA curb the Iranian launching pads for missiles aimed at the US from South America?
The newly-ratified START treaty may have some salubrious effects, but who can predict the reactions from North Korea, China and Iran?
Will Israel undergo nuclear disarmament without first knocking out Iran's nuclear capacity? Will all nations surrender their enriched uranium stocks for lower grade ones? Will India and Pakistan reach a peaceful agreement?
The world is a dangerous place not a friendly card game.
Wickileaks exposed some of the delusions and misinformation that cloud so-called foreign relations by the so-called intelligence community.

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