Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Whore of Times Square

But not everyone sees it this way. The New York Times editorializes this morning: "There is a similar air of vacuous fundamentalism in requiring that every bill cite the Constitutional power given to Congress to enact it." We’ll let President Abraham Lincoln respond:

Let reverence for the laws, be breathed by every American mother, to the lisping babe, that prattles on her lap—let it be taught in schools, in seminaries, and in colleges; let it be written in Primers, spelling books, and in Almanacs;—let it be preached from the pulpit, proclaimed in legislative halls, and enforced in courts of justice. And, in short, let it become the political religion of the nation; and let the old and the young, the rich and the poor, the grave and the gay, of all sexes and tongues, and colors and conditions, sacrifice unceasingly upon its altars.
Pamela Geller

Indeed, Mr. Lincoln, indeed. Methinks the Times would label Lincoln a "vacuous fundamentalist" as well. According to the left, everyone is a fundamentalist except ....... the fundamentalists.

Watch the continuing propaganda campaign by the left to destroy, deconstruct, and render irrelevant the heart and soul of America, the Constitution. The dis-assembling of the American skeleton by the fleshy-faced moochers, looters and destroyers.

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